Get started with federated learning


Pricing, support-levels and hosting options to support the full range from personal testing to proof-of-concepts to integration in production environments.
Offers the full FEDn feature set. Server-side resources suitable for exploration, personal development and small-scale projects.
Free features:
✔️ Free for personal use / small projects.
✔️ One project in cloud-hosted FEDn Studio.
✔️ Community support
Designed for professional teams doing proof-of-concept work using cloud-hosted FEDn Studio. Additional server-side resources to support R&D workloads and large-scale experimentation, dedicated support.
Everything from Free, plus:
✔️ Up to 5 projects and 10 users.
✔️ Dedicated Discord, Slack or Email support
For organizations on a path to production. Private-hosting options for the server-side, ML engineering services and tailored, dedicated support.
Quote request
Everything from Premium, plus:
✔️ Private-hosting options
✔️ ML engineering services and tailored support.
Free forever for academic research
FEDn originated from academic research and we take an active part in the academic community. Academic licenses are available to students and employees of accredited educational institutions for coursework, teaching, academic research, and non-professional use. This license cannot be used for commercial purposes, government research, or consulting for commercial, governmental or nonprofit organizations.